Saturday, February 26, 2011

10 Arthritis Home Remedies to Treat This Condition

The word 'arthritis' is a combination of the Greek words 'arthro' meaning joint and 'itis' with the meaning inflammation. Therefore arthritis is a joint disorder affecting the bones and muscles at a joint. A joint that has been attacked by arthritis is usually very painful, stiff and swollen. Arthritis may be so painful at times that it may interfere with daily routine of activities and restrict movement to a large extent.

Our joints lie within capsules filled with synovial fluid. The bone heads meeting at a joint bear cartilages serving as cushions and enabling friction less movement of bones at the joint. When cartilages degenerate, friction occurs between bones which may as a result get reduced to spurs or osteophytes. Aging causes natural degeneration of cartilages due to weakening. Obesity, history of previous injury, genetic grounds, bone infection, repetitive movements, calcium deficiencies, hormonal imbalance, damp environmental conditions and stress are other factors causing arthritis. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the commonest types of arthritis.

Osteoarthritis occurs due to cartilage degeneration caused by aging of the body. Rheumatoid arthritis affects young aged people and occurs when the body’s immune system mistakenly invades joints. Infectious arthritis occurs when infection from other parts of body spreads to the joint. Gout is another type that occurs due to crystallization of uric acid within joints. Joints like knee, hip, spine and shoulder easily come within the clutches of arthritis.

Symptoms of Arthritis

1. Painful joints
2. Swollen joints
3. Stiff joints
4. Redness of skin around joints
5. Warmth and tenderness
6. Deformity at the joint
7. Crepitus
8. Constipation
9. Fever
10. Colitis
11. Anemia
12. Fatigue
13. Weight loss
14. Swollen lymph nodes.

Home Remedies

1. Taking 6.50 grams of powdered ginger can help to treat arthritic conditions.

2. Epsom salt bath can treat well stiff and swollen joints.

3. Castor oil can serve as an effective rub for joints affected by arthritis.

4. One may mix 10 grams of camphor in to 200 grams of mustard oil, store it in a bottle with a tight cork and keep the mixture in the sun so that the camphor dissolves completely. Massaging the joints with this mixture would be quite beneficial.

5. Soaking the body in a tub of warm water before going to bed at night would reduce stiffness of joints and muscles. Sea salt may be added to the water for best results.

6. Massaging aching joints with hot vinegar can be quite beneficial.

7. Drinking freshly extracted potato juice diluted with water can treat arthritis well.

8. Sea bathing is an effective arthritis treatment.

9. Rubbing ailing joints with chamomile essential oil can yield good results. Chamomile has analgesic properties.

10. Tight bandages should not be worn over joints because that would thwart the blood circulation and make joints stiffer.

Read more Home Remedies for Arthritis. Also know effective Home Remedies for Baldness.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Use Effective Natural Remedies for Arthritis

The pain caused due to arthritis in the joints and during movement can be relieved by natural remedies effectively and without side effects even after a prolonged and regular use. Arthritis causes lack of movement and minimize the range of motion of the joint, if a person tries to stretch the joint he suffers from severe pain, eventually this condition makes a person’s life very miserable and painful. Natural remedies have properties to relieve pain and promote movement without pain and uplift the body’s functioning naturally.

Using garlic is an excellent remedy for arthritis pain and condition; it has rich anti-oxidant properties which are extremely good to promote blood flow all over the body. Sufficient blood flow in the joints increases strength and flexibility of tissues to promote smooth and pain less movement. Paste of garlic can be applied on the affected joint or 3-4 cloves of garlic can be consumed for relieving pain. Massaging the affected joint with hot vinegar or sandalwood oil also helps in relieving pain. Consumption of 1 teaspoon of honey with 2 teaspoons of lemon juice mixed in warm water or with 2 teaspoons of honey with 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar with a glass of warm water also helps in relieving arthritic pain. One clove everyday fried in a teaspoon of clarified butter is another effective natural remedy for relieving arthritis pain.

There are few very effective herbs which can work as natural remedy for arthritis pain. Boswellia serrata is a well known herb for arthritis pain, regular use of Ashwagandha is also very useful for relieving all sorts of arthritic pain and is a beneficial herb for alleviating mental and physical health. Capsaicin creams available as over the counter medicine made with cayenne pepper, a natural element, is also an effective pain reliever. This cream on topical application inhibits the signals of pain to the brain which makes the victim feel relieved and comfortable. Regular use of this cream poses no harm to health and helps the body in maintaining and promoting movement in the affected joints or body parts.

Ginger roots are an effective herb for inhibiting the production of prostaglandin and leukotrienes which are associated with pain and inflammation. Consumption of ginger in tea, food or in raw form can help in reducing the frequency of pain and also the pain intensity to a large extent. It is also an effective anti-oxidant which promotes blood flow for stronger musculoskeletal system.

Hot water tub baths with two cups of Epsom salt mixed in it relieves the pain; drinking tea of alfalfa leaves in place of regular tea also helps in improving the condition. Any person suffering with arthritis should take rest during the day for sufficient time, longer rest can also initiate pain but sufficient duration of rest helps in relieving strained muscles and tissues to avoid pain. Bringing weight within healthy limit is always beneficial, mild exercises which are not straining are good for over all health and also to relieve arthritic condition. Yoga, meditation and swimming are good exercises which promote relaxation and also promote sound sleep for better health to counter effects of arthritis.

Read more Home Remedies for Arthritis. Also know Home Remedies for Acid Reflux.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Natural Remedies for Joint Pain - Are They Really Effective?

The Chinese system of medicine advocates the use of ginger for alleviating joint pain. Ginger oil mixed with almond oil when rubbed on to painful joints is an excellent pain reliever. Ginger tea is equally good if taken daily and so is 500 mg ginger supplement capsule if taken three times a day. Ginger reduces the prostaglandin production in the body which is responsible for the sensation of pain and that's how it works.

Drinking Papaya seed tea 6-7 times a day for several weeks is another remedy. So is eating bananas or drinking carrot juice, apple cider vinegar or even plain water. Remember liquids and juices like pineapple juice helps keep the joints moving freely. Lemon juice plus honey mixed in warm water and taken in the morning is an effective remedy. Drinking equal parts of carrot and lemon juice is also a remedy. Yet another remedy is fresh potato juice taken in the morning.

Try exercising the normal way or swim around the pool as that you can improve joint mobility besides strengthening the muscles around the joint. For relieving pain from rheumatoid arthritis, deep breathing exercises, meditation, and Tai chi have been found to be effective. Regular exercise keeps the joints lubricated, improves blood circulation and prevents gout besides controlling body weight.

Eat healthy and balanced low carbohydrate diet with more of whole grains, leafy green vegetables and fruits; take less of tea, coffee, carbonated liquors, and sugar. Cut down on fat content in your diet. Spice your diet with herbs like white willow, devil's claw, and turmeric which have anti inflammatory properties. Avoid eggplants, potatoes and pepper that could add to the inflammation. But add plenty of turmeric and garlic as seasonings.

Since our body does not make omega-3 fatty acids take food like fish or fish oil capsules that contains this essential micronutrient which has natural anti inflammatory properties. Food containing omega-3 fatty acids not only reduces joint pain and stiffness, but also improves cardiovascular health. Nowadays animals are not fed on grass but on grain which means the chicken and beef we eat do not have omega-3 fatty acids as it used to have before. So eating fish is the only option to get these anti inflammatory nutrients that could do a world of good to your joint pain. Herbal supplements such as Rumatone Gold Oil and Capsules are found very effective in getting relief from joint pain and stiffness naturally.

Read information about Joint Pain Relief. Read about Hair Loss Remedy to control hair fall.

Herbal Remedies for Joint Pain that You Ought to Know

Each and every joint in the human body is a complex machine made up of bones, ligaments, cartilage, and lubricating fluid. These joints are forever moving throughout the lifespan of the individual. Sometimes these joints instead of moving freely could creek, stiffen and swell and hurt due to a variety of reasons like injury, strain, arthritis, bursitis and tendonitis. That;s when joint pain occurs. More specifically joint ache is due to the wearing away of the cartilage between the joints. Apart from being bothersome, joint ache could also increase with the frequency of the joint being used.

Although joint pain is commonplace it is likely to affect people beyond their middle age. Of all the treatments for joint pain, natural treatments are more effective and harmless as they are unlikely to initiate side effects. Joint pain herbal remedies are usually natural substances of plant origin. On the other hand OTC and prescription medications could cause damage to the kidney and liver.

OTC and prescription medication for the treatment of pain could also increase the risk of stroke or heart attack and therefore potentially harmful. So let's take a look at the different herbal remedies for joint pain that has evolved over the years. Some of these are practical therapies.

Two traditional Chinese medicines Kang Gu Zeng Sheng Pian and Juan Bi Tang are especially good for arthritis and a variety of joint and tendon pain. Juan Bi Tang is especially good for joint ache in the upper body. Anti-inflammatory oil and balm are another effective remedy to combat joint ache.

Rubbing hot vinegar, herbal oil or scented oil of chamomile, lavender, thyme, juniper and eucalyptus over the joint causing pain is an effective remedy. Most of these aromatic oils reduce pain by lowering the extent of stress around the joints and have tissue-cleansing properties as well.

The Indian system of medicine popularly called Ayurveda probably offers the best non-invasive option for treating joint pain. Ayurvedic herbal massage oils like Rumatone Gold Oil is extremely effective for relieving joint ache. This oil can be applied for getting immediate relief from almost any kind of joint pain. If you are looking for topical applications to relieve joint ache then Ayurvedic oils are certainly the best. Apart from applying massage oil, you can take Rumatone Gold Capsule to get relief from arthritis and joint ache naturally. When these two are used in conjunction, they offer the best natural remedy for joint pain.

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